

Is a program and a practice that can be adopted by all human beings

& companies.

Becoming a Business Member

Seed Phase

Step 1

You’re approached by an ambassador & asked to join.

Step 2

Say *Yeah to PEACE

Step 3

Agreement to offer a seasonal *gift to all People of PEACE

We Suggest a *B2B & **B2I

*Business To Business

**Business To Individual

Step 4

Information is exchanged between you and the ambassador

Name | Name of Company | Website | Social Media Links | Photo | Logo Email | Phone | Address | City | State | Neighborhood | Address

Check the following that apply to your company

- [ ] Artist

Medium: Choose Up to 3

Ex. Visual, Music, Design, Production

- [ ] Educator

Medium: Choose Up to 3

Ex. History, Art, Diversity, Feminism

- [ ] Service :

Medium : Choose up to 3

Ex. Yoga, Wellness, Restaurant, Retail, Design

Finish this statement:

We/I am Known For: X

Step 5

Peace Ambassador (You)

Sends info to :

Info is uploaded to PEACE website

Step 6

Let your staff know.

Create an in-house way to track*

number of gifts given to the People of PEACE

(We recommend keeping it simple

a tally point system on a daily log)

Step 7

Give your seasonal gift to the people of peace.

Folks who come to you with PEACE in hand

Step 8

Receive 5 memberships gifts to give to yourself, friends & family, customers - local business owners or entrepreneurs

For those, who would like to be a part of Peace

We call these folks - our friends, our BEAs

If BEAs want to be a part of PEACE

Go over steps 3-8 with your chosen 4


Capacity Building Steps

Step 9: INQUIRE about donating to a PEACE nonprofit partner

Step 10: DONATE + Receive a gift of peace membership card

to be gifted/sold to customers


Tax write off

Step 11 = Gift Cards to Customers = loyalty x extra income


If you’re an investors or foundations & you would like to become a part of the PEACE network,

Please, reach out.

*We have friends in financial advisement that can help guide small business through healthy financial practices & record keeping